Agent Zappy raises funding round led by Global VC firm Antler

Make WhatsApp your best sales channel.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Understands & replies like a human, in seconds

Keep your business open 24/7/365

Stay open around the clock with personalised & instant responses to all your customers.

Never-ever miss a lead

Agent Zappy responds instantly, even at 1am or on a holiday. It also follows up automatically to make super no one is missed.

Close upto 5X more customers

Be super efficient

Gather essential details & qualify prospects, saving you time and improving sales efficiency.

Intelligent Qualification

Agent Zappy can identify high-value leads ready to convert directly within WhatsApp.

Everything inside WhatsApp itself.

Double your conversations

Agent Zappy converts on average 5X higher than traditional websites.

Yes! everything's automated

Seamlessly handle the entire ordering process within the chat, from finding the products, upselling, calculating shipping and even confirming the order & more.

Built-In CRM to manage everything

Manage everything, from anywhere

Gather Track orders, customer conversation, monitor lead progress and manage orders all in one place.

Sell again & again (Coming soon)

Use Intelligent AI predictions to send hyper personalised SMS & Email marketing, all fully automated.

Share & Identified images

Share media files

Easily share images & pdfs of your products with customers and let them find what they need faster!

Understand images, like you

Just show Zappy the product, and its smart identification will instantly guide them to the right choice.

How to get Agent Zappy?


Provide information

Schedule a call with us and provide the necessary details.

P.S. Note that every business is different, so will be your AI agent.


Try your own AI agent

After receiving the necessary information, within 10-14 working day we will give you the first version of your AI agent.


Go live!!

If and when you are happy with your AI agent, our team will help you integrate it to your WhatsApp itself

All your data is secured.

Your data is stored with the highest level of security.


TLS/SSL safeguards your data by encrypting it, providing security and preventing unauthorized access, offering peace of mind.

Secure AWS

Ensure data security and optimal performance with the dependable cloud solutions backed by Amazon web servers.

Your data is your treasure, we guard it like our own.

At Agent Zappy, we understand the value of your information. That’s why we prioritize your privacy above all else. We believe that trust is essential in any relationship, especially when it comes to handling your data.

Rest assured, your information is safe with us; never sold or shared. We’re here to empower your business without compromising your security.

Skyrocket your revenue while saving a ton of time!

Next quarter's growth starts today. Agent Zappy handles the busywork, so you can focus on what matters.


Sri Lanka

No.92, First floor, Capital Trust Tower 3, Glennie St, 00200, Sri Lanka

+94 76 870 8702


Level 9, Tower B, Menara UOA Bangsar, 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

+60 11 2423 7051

+94 76 870 8702

©2024 Agent Zappy. All rights reserved.